home ->meridian energy therapies


The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in a persons’ energy system. A disturbing memory or unpleasant thought triggers that disruption which is experienced as a physical or emotional, pain or response.
This amazing, powerful therapy can be extremely effective for a wide range of conditions both physical and emotional.

From, panic attacks and phobias to dissolving negative feelings regarding deep traumatic issues, past events, bereavement, relationship and family issues etc.

Release pain, fear, sadness. Reach a state of brilliance and clarity.

Give up smoking and lose all craving for cigarettes.

Lose weight and eliminate food cravings, bingeing and unhealthy relationships with and attitudes to food.

Do you need confidence for impending events or responsibilities such as public speaking, presentations, driving test etc.

Discover your true ability and potential. Learn how to use emotional freedom technique.


Transforming Emotional Energy

The emotional response to trauma, nastiness and aggression against us can be buried deep inside our minds and its effects felt for many years. Even an unkind or derogatory word from someone at some time in our lives, often as children can have detrimental effects on our well-being and development. (Sometimes, we may even have forgotten the original event)

But, we know that for some reason certain things, situations, circumstances or remarks or even topics can make us feel uncomfortable and may even make us behave irrationally.

Sometimes we react to situations in a repeated pattern which we can not fully understand. Learn how to unlock this response and free ourselves.

Get rid of all emotional  ‘baggage’ and live life to the full, however large or small it seems, life is happier and easier without it.

This easy technique can be learned quickly and used as a wonderful tool for ever. It is practical for ‘real-life’ is uncomplicated and its effects are quick.

To make an appointment or for further information please contact jacqueline.herbal@tiscali.co.uk