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Sports Massage can be very effective in many ways, it can be an invaluable tool for the treatment of injuries, it can quicken the healing process, enhance athletic performance, reduce the risk of injury, increase strength and flexibility, relieve pain and have many psychological benefits, especially before any sporting event. Massage is applicable to a very wide spectrum of people, whether you are a professional athlete, enjoy recreational sport or just suffering from everyday and work related aches and pains. You can also enjoy a massage treatment purely for relaxation purposes and is a great way to relax and feel good. All of the benefits apply to you if you have an injury or not. Many people use massage as a tool to enhance sporting performance and reduce the risk of injury or muscle soreness. Even if you are in perfect condition, regular massages can help maintain that level for you.

Major benefits of Sports Massage
  •  Pain Reduction
  •  Reduces muscle soreness & stiffness
  •  Injury prevention
  •  Improves flexibility
  •  Helps re-habilitation
  •  Increases Relaxation, physically and mentally
  •  Improves blood circulation
  •  Improves physical performance
  •  Can help Lymphatic drainage
  •  Psychological improvement - makes you feel good!
  •  Energy boosting
  •  Creates a warming effect
  •  Pre, Inter and Post Event treatments are extremely beneficial.
  •  Improves stretching techniques

Physical benefits

The pumping effect of massage gives the required oxygenated blood to a certain area, increases muscle tissue permeability, aids the removal of waste products such as lactic acid and introduces oxygenated nutrients. The break down of scar tissue is also achieved through massage and stretching. Massage can aid the healing process if an injury has occurred, with the good supply of fresh blood and nutrients, your recovery time will be much quicker. The possibility of any build up of scar tissue will also be significantly reduced, so you will not loose any flexibility and strength in your muscle tissue after the injury heals. Stretching is also essential for the repair of muscle fibers, increasing flexibility and strength. This is carried out during the treatment and as part of a rehabilitation plan.

Pain Reduction

This is a major factor of remedial massage therapy enhancing many techniques. Using the ‘Gate control theory’ your therapist will take you through this process carefully, creating excellent results in pain reduction to the affected painful area, helping you feel better and enhancing the effect of the massage treatment. Again the healing process will be a lot quicker as it means your therapist can access the injured area without causing you too much pain!


This is also achieved during massage through warmth circulation and stretching. The treatment can be tailored to suit you because everybody is different, requiring different levels of pressure and styles. Even if you do not have an injury whatsoever, you can still enjoy and benefit from a relaxation massage using different oils which are kind to the skin. This is suitable for anyone of any age.

What is Holistic Therapy?

This means that if you have a problem, injury or complaint your therapist will consider you as a whole person, not just concentrating on your single injured area. Your whole lifestyle will be considered, such as your whole posture, driving position, recreational activities. Many aspects of your lifestyle can create problems and this therapy plus many others can help you. For example if you have lower back problems, rather than just receiving treatment on your lower back through pain relief and massage, your therapist will consider why you have that problem. Your lower back pain may be related to other areas of your body which may need fixing, therefore these areas will also be treated during the massage treatment. Again, for example, if you have an injured muscle on your left leg, your right leg would also receive treatment creating balance as a whole.  

What is included in the Remedial Sports Massage treatment?

Remedial Sports Massage Treatments last for 1hr and consists of;
Consultation on your 1st treatment – This is where your therapist will discuss your needs and treatment to suit you. Any injuries will be discussed at this stage.
Injury treatment - where necessary, special attention will be given to an injured area, using massage and pain reduction techniques to best suit you.
Remedial Massage – This is the main part of the session where many massage techniques are used to suit you, whether it be for an injury, a conditioning treatment or just relaxation. This helps blood circulation, increases flexibility and makes your muscles feel relaxed and loose.
Pain Relief – where necessary, time will be spent on a painful area using techniques to reduce the pain, making you feel more comfortable and will aid the healing process.
Stretching – The last part of the physical treatment involves stretching, especially if you have an injury. Whilst your muscle tissue is warm and flexible from massage, this is the perfect time to perform a stretch. ‘Progressive stretching’ is used ensuring the maximum flexibility for you. This will also reduce the risk of further injury or muscle ‘pulling’.
Treatment plan and RehabilitationAfter the treatment your therapist will discuss how it went, how you feel, what improvements you feel and what the next step will be. Any rehabilitation exercises that may be recommended to you will be discussed along with the most suitable treatment plan for you.

For further information or to make an appointment please CLICK HERE